How Meditation Burns Karma: Signs of Spiritual Progress

How Meditation Burns Karma: Signs of Spiritual Progress

It simply occurs! It’s organic. Since anything that is heated up by fire burns longer, meditation absolutely burns away the memories of the past.

You know, one of our followers developed a beautiful movie that explains how the entire universe is made up of space and that what we normally think of as matter doesn’t actually exist.

You are aware that Dr. Doer is one of the world’s leading experts in quantum physics. He revealed to me something exquisite. Guruji, I’ve been a teacher for 35 years, and here I am conducting study on nonexistent stuff! So, what we think of as subatomic particles are actually just wave functions or vibrations. Hence, the Vedas declared thousands of years ago that the entire cosmos is made up of vibrations. In light of this, everything is composed of sound vibrations known as mantras. Mantra is that vibration that carries knowledge and information.

They had the opinion that the universe is contained within each and every particle, atom, and vibration. If you had claimed a few decades ago that a whole book could be loaded on a pen drive, people would have laughed at you! Nevertheless, according to the teachings of our forefathers, the universe, or Paramatma, the divinity, is contained inside a single bindu, or drop, just as a single grain contains the entire cosmos. It’s true that the entirety of this cosmos is comprised of knowledge and wisdom. That is why it is claimed that in this cosmos, every particle is total. So, each of the 50 trillion particles that comprise us symbolises you.

All of the information in the cosmos is contained in each particle. Isn’t that incredible? One human DNA can be used to make any animal or species from this world because it contains the genetic material for all other species in the universe. Your DNA can make an elephant, a scorpion, a butterfly, or even a dinosaur! This implies that each and every tiny particle in the universe holds all of the knowledge, which is what the ancient seers meant when they declared that Gyana, or focused, solidified wisdom, was present in every single particle. Anand Gyana, which is a consolidated form of knowledge and concentrated bliss, is what our consciousness is.

This implies that each and every tiny particle in the universe holds all of the knowledge, which is what the ancient seers meant when they declared that Gyana, or focused, solidified wisdom, was present in every single particle. And that is what Anand, our consciousness, is. Gyana, it is consolidated knowledge and concentrated bliss, and that is what consciousness is! The area that appears to be empty to us is actually filled with happiness and wisdom. It’s amazing to know that we can relax and get connected to that energy field around us. So at the end, we are already in contact! Isn’t that good to know?