The third degree of Reiki gives the trainee the ability to eventually become a Reiki Master. This degree is sometimes offered in two stages, the first of which prepares the student to become a Reiki master and the second of which prepares the student to become a Reiki Master Teacher. Students are “attuned” to the Master level during this level, which is a very potent and beautiful attunement. Once more, this boosts the student’s energy vibration to a greater degree and improves the Reiki techniques that have already been taught. If a learner chooses they want to teach, the Master symbols are taught to them so they can utilise them when attuning others.
Observing Reiki classes being taught and having a firm grasp of both teaching and learning methods are prerequisites for becoming a Reiki Master Teacher.
A further step on the path to spiritual growth is becoming a Reiki Master. The Reiki energy promotes ongoing personal development and empowerment, which continuously strengthens and improves your life. The energies keep rising at this level, and learning takes on a much more in-depth experience.
It takes a lot of personal effort and concentration to become a Reiki Master because it is a continuing learning process. The Reiki energy also requires a lot of practise to use. Acceptance into this level of Reiki is by interview only, as the prospective student has to be ready to receive these teachings.
Students who are interested in receiving Reiki Master training will be provided with complete mentoring during their learning process and continued mentoring for as long as they may desire it.
Who may study Reiki Level Three?
Students who have passed a Reiki One and Reiki Two course with a certificate. Since practise is required at each level before progressing, there should ideally be a pause between Reiki Two and the application to study Reiki Three.
Reiki Master Practitioner course includes:
- ‘Attunements’ to the Reiki Master energy
- Introduction to Reiki Master symbols and their uses
- Developing intuition
- Spiritual development
- Mastering the self
- Japanese Master Reiki Techniques
- Kotodama
- Reiki Ajari Yuga (meditation)
- Psychic development
- Deeper understanding of Usui’s original teachings
- Student reading and research of Reiki
- Reiki Master Practitioner Certificate and Lineage
Reiki Master Teacher course includes:
- How to teach Reiki, schemes of work, lesson plans
- Learning pyramid
- Learning how to give ‘attunements’ and practice of attuning students
- Observations of a Reiki One and Reiki Two course
- Reiki Master Teacher Certificate and Lineage