Reiki is a form of energy healing that originated in Japan in the early 20th century. According to the International Reiki Training Center, the practice is based on the idea that we all have “energy”. living” invisibly flows in our body. A Reiki practitioner gently moves their hand just above or above the client’s dressed body, with the aim of reducing stress and promoting healing by encouraging a flow healthy energy. According to an earlier survey conducted by the National Institutes of Health, 1.2 million adults and 161,000 children in the United States received energy healing therapy such as Reiki in the previous year. Reiki is now being used by more and more Americans to help with relaxation, anxiety, pain, and depression.

Relieves pain, anxiety, and fatigue

Reiki can help reduce perception of pain  by healing the emotional side of pain. Reiki aims to address emotional distress by allowing healing energies to flow freely throughout the body, leading to relaxation and relief from pain and tension throughout the body. It can also help reduce stress and anxiety, which can also reduce the perception of pain.

Treats Depression

Reiki treatments can be used as part of a treatment plan to help relieve depression. In a small 2010 study, researchers looked at the effects of Reiki on older adults with pain, depression, or anxiety. Participants reported improvements in their physical symptoms, mood, and well-being. They also reported greater sense of well-being, increased curiosity, and improved levels of self-care. Larger and more in-depth studies are needed to explore these findings.

Enhances quality of life

The benefits of reiki can improve your overall health. Researchers in a small 2016 study found that reiki is helpful in improving the quality of life of women with cancer. Women who took reiki showed improvements in their sleeping patterns, confidence, and depression levels. They noted feelings of calm, inner peace, and relaxation.

Larger studies are needed to further explore these findings.

Boosts mood

Reiki can help improve your mood by reducing anxiety and depression. According to the results of a 2011 study, people who use reiki experience better mood benefits than those who don’t. Study participants who had six 30-minute sessions over a period of two to eight weeks reported an improvement in their mood.

Improves health conditions

Reiki may also be used to treat:

  1. headache
  2. tension
  3. insomnia
  4. nausea

The relaxation response that happens with Reiki may benefit these symptoms. However, specific research is needed to determine the efficacy of reiki in the treatment of these symptoms and conditions.

Other benefits of Reiki :

  1. A Powerful And Gentle Healer
  2. Promotes Natural Self-Healing
  3. Balances The Energies In The Body
  4. Balances The Organs And Gland
  5. Strengthens The Immune System
  6. Treats Symptoms And Causes Of Illness
  7. Relieves Pain
  8. Clears Toxins
  9. Adapts To The Natural Needs Of The Receiver
  10. Enhances Personal Awareness
  11. Relaxes And Reduces Stress
  12. Promotes Creativity
  13. Releases Blocked And Suppressed Feelings
  14. Reiki Helps To Better Sleep
  15. Reiki Helps Spritual Growth
  16. The Vitality Can Be Increased By Reiki
  17. Relieves Condition Such As Arthritis And Rhwumatism
  18. Promotes Healing For All Acute Illness Or Injury
  19. Promotes Healing For All Chronic Illness. E.G. Asthama
  20. Promotes A More Positive Outlook
  21. Enhance Clarity Of Thought
  22. Improves Self Belief And Inner Confidence
  23. Encourages  Personal Growth And Development
  24. Able To Deal With Everyday Life So Much Better

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