Deeply medatative contemplative session uses a fluid combination of massage, particular essential oil blends, and healing stones to bring the body’s seven primary Chakras into equilibrium. This one-of-a-kind experience leaves guests feeling tranquil and at ease, leading in an improved sense of well-being.

Chakra balancing is an energy healing technique that involves channelling energy via the seven chakras. When we talk about chakra treatment, we’re talking about how to take care of your energetic body. We have an energy that extends beyond our bodily well-being, and the body is made up of more than just the physical body.

Along the spine, there are seven major energy centres or chakras:

1. Root Chakra — This chakra is located at the base of your spine, or tailbone.

Legs, rectum, tailbone, immune system, male reproductive regions, and prostate gland disorders are all symptoms of physical imbalances.

Emotional imbalances appear as feelings that affect basic survival needs such as money, housing, food, and the ability to supply the necessities of life.

2. Sacral Chakra — Located two inches below the navel.

Sexual and reproductive disorders, urinary problems, kidney infections, and hip, pelvic, and lower back discomfort are all symptoms of physical imbalances.

Fear of commitment to relationships, expressing feelings, worries of powerlessness, betrayal, and addictions are all symptoms of emotional imbalances.

3. Plexus Solaris Three inches above your navel is the chakra.

Digestion disorders, liver malfunction, chronic weariness, high blood pressure, diabetes, stomach ulcers, and colon issues are all symptoms of physical imbalances.

Personal power and self-esteem difficulties are manifestations of emotional imbalances.

4. Heart Chakra – located in the centre of the body

Asthma, heart illness, lung disease, breast problems, lymphatic system problems, and upper back and shoulder problems are all symptoms of physical imbalances.

Jealousy, desertion, wrath, bitterness, and fear of loneliness are all symptoms of emotional disorders.

5. Throat Chakra – located at the base of the throat

Thyroid problems, sore throats, laryngitis, ear infections, and neck and shoulder pain are all symptoms of physical imbalances.

Fear of communication, willpower, and feeling out of control are all symptoms of emotional disorders.

6. Third Eye Chakra – located between the brows

Headaches, blurred vision, sinus difficulties, seizures, hearing loss, and hormone imbalance are all symptoms of physical abnormalities.

Moodiness, volatility, and self-reflection are all symptoms of emotional disorders.

7. Crown Chakra – top of the head

The seventh chakra is the Crown Chakra, which is located at the top of the head.

Depression, failure to learn, and sensitivity to light, sound, and the environment are all symptoms of physical imbalances.

Confusion, bias, and self-doubt are all symptoms of emotional disorders.

These chakras receive and emit energy that is present in our daily life. Each chakra represents a different aspect of our lives and personalities. During times of struggle or change, energy can get obstructed or imbalanced, causing the Charka(s) to become blocked. These stumbling blocks might appear in a variety of ways. The throat chakra, for example, is highly linked to speech; if you are in a relationship where you are unable to express your true feelings, you may literally lose your voice.

Using crystals, essential oil mixes, massage, and energetic techniques, the treatment seeks to discover any potential blockages in the client. The goal is to clear any chakra blockages and facilitate a free flow of energy in order to re-establish balance and well-being. It’s possible that by balancing your Chakras, you’ll be able to:

  1. Maintain a peaceful demeanour in your daily activities.
  2. Recognize obstacles for what they are and lessen your vulnerability to them.
  3. Overcome any past life situations that may have made an impression on you.
  4. Assist people without allowing their difficulties to affect you.
  5. Develop self-assurance, vitality, independence, and joy to feel good about yourself and your life on a daily basis.