Crystals for Healing, Self-Love, Energy Clearing, and Positivity

You might be eager to embrace everything and everything that offers equilibrium after the frantic energy of the previous year. Is there a way to find that, something you might not have tried yet? Various kinds of crystals. According to Mariah K. Lyons, author of Crystal Healing for Women and the creator of Astara, a footwear brand that uses crystals in its designs, “Crystal therapy is the technique of mineral application and attunement for energetic alignment and balance.” According to her, the proper crystals can offer “holistic well-being of mind, body, and spirit.”

How to find the right types of crystals for you and your needs?

Find a trustworthy source

In the first place, Trattner suggests purchasing crystals from a trustworthy retailer who carries crystals that were mined ethically and sustainably. There may be some research involved, but it will be worthwhile.

Don’t make a decision based just on a crystal’s description.

This is due to the fact that the information frequently isn’t based on actual experience. Although crystals definitely have metaphysical qualities that will aid them in particular circumstances,  claims that distilling crystals into condensed sound bites of their qualities causes more harm than good for assisting people in working with them. Because you are a special individual, the way you react to a crystal’s energy can differ from how it might for someone else. Therefore, even while reading about crystals can be useful to gain a general grasp of them, that shouldn’t be the only thing you consider.

Use your common sense

Lyons advises picking the crystals you feel the most pulled to since your intuition is key to selecting the proper kinds of crystals for you. Hold the crystal in your hand and pay attention to how you feel if you’re shopping in person. You’ve found the one if there’s an energising link between you and the crystal that you can’t quite explain.

Types of Crystals

Rose Quartz

The stone for you is rose quartz if you’re trying to develop a deeper sense of self-love. “The frequency of unadulterated, unconditional love is radiated by rose quartz. It fosters a closer connection with one’s self, family, community, and the environment while balancing, calming, harmonising, and healing the body, mind, and spirit. She continues by saying that tumbled rose quartz crystals are simple to utilise for self-healing meditation or bath rituals. Or, to have better sleep, put a piece of raw rose quartz under your mattress.

Clear Quartz

Because it helps to align all of your chakras and energetically attune to all other crystals, clear quartz is referred to as the “master healer.” It can assist you in accessing and realising higher realms of consciousness since it is a very effective, quickly programmable magnifier of energy and intentions.”Employ clear quartz points in crystal grids and self-healing rituals, and use clusters to increase an area’s energy. Always point the crystal point vertically up and down your body when applying points to avoid disrupting the energy stream.

Smoky Quartz

It is well known that smokey quartz may drive away bad energy. When you are agitated or your body tenses up, reach for this stone. Smoky quartz has a grounding and relaxing impact on the body in addition to helping to shift dense energy. It is a stone of relinquishing control, accepting uncertainty, and moving on with one’s life. It is therefore a wonderful friend during trying transitions. Additionally, you can utilise it to promote a happy atmosphere at home or in any other shared public space.

Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline is referred described as “the maestro” at eliminating negativity.  Tourmalines have a charge with a positive and negative pole and that they emit far infrared radiation (FIR), which is beneficial for healing. Because black tourmaline is believed to lessen the negative effects of electromagnetic energy on the body, some crystal believers even set it close to their electrical equipment.


Malachite can be a good crystal to have on hand for energetic support if you’re going through something significant. Malachite offers both on a physical and energetic level protection, profound healing, and cleansing. This stone is a lovely one to work with at times of transition, sadness, and loss as it aids in the release of old traumas, wounds, and patterns held within the cellular structure of the body.


Do you need more compassion and love in your life? Get a kunzite crystal for yourself. Kunzite helps to cleanse your aura, expand your heart, and heal old wounds from past relationships. If you’re looking for balance and flow in your life—and who isn’t right now?—reach for this one. “Kunzite links you to the matriarchal or feminine side of your family tree. The ability to be quiet and feel grounded is another benefit of kunzite, and these are two things that we could all use right now.


Selenite would be a part of the ideal beginner crystal collection, and for good reason. Selenite is fantastic for removing the bad energy from a space since it is like liquid light. You can maintain the energy of your area by setting it on your windowsill among quartz crystal points and black tourmaline.


Imagine lepidolite as a crystal tranquillizer with a relaxing impact on the body and mind. This stone calms and unwinds ruffled emotions, a busy mind, and stiff muscles. It is a great stone for when you feel worried or overwhelmed, or if you’re dealing with panic disorder, insomnia, or PMS. It can also relax the central nervous system.


You are aware that, in an emergency, you should put your own oxygen mask on before aiding others? The crystal representation of that practise is prehnite. Utilize it to take care of yourself so that you have the strength and ability to help others. It aids in “healing the healer,” making it a popular option for caregivers, activists, and parents.


One of the three core crystals Lee advises everyone to have in their crystal kit is hematite, which is also an excellent starting stone if you’re new to working with crystals. (Black tourmaline and rose quartz are the other two.) The best grounding stone, hematite connects you to your physical wisdom and what it means to live in a physical world, including your connection with money. You can start the process of dissolving energy distortions that have been keeping you from experiencing true happiness and fulfilment by working diligently with hematite or any other of the core crystals.