Reiki is an ancient yet simple healing technique. It has been found to produce profound results throughout gentle touch, positive states of mind, and energy transfer. Whether you want to receive Reiki to heal emotional trauma, balance your energy levels, or grow spiritually, Reiki has countless benefits. Here are 10 benefits of Reiki Healing that you may be interested in.

 Promoting harmony and balance

Reiki adopts a non-invasive energy transfer method that is extremely effective in promoting overall well-being. Through the transfer of energy, the body is able to restore balance in all systems of  mind, body and spirit. This creates harmony and allows people to continue living an active lifestyle.

Relax and release body tension

What many people love  most about Reiki is that it simply allows them to “become”. This is a few minutes of pure relaxation where the recipient can clear their mind and release the stress and pressure of their day. Passing energy  through Reiki can make people feel more peaceful, relaxed and light, allowing them to get in touch with their inner self and reflect clearly on their lives.

 Breaks energy blocks and balances mind, body and spirit

Regular Reiki treatment promotes a constant and unrelenting flow of energy opening up throughout the body. This allows people to experience less stress, improves learning and memory, promotes mental clarity, and physical healing/less physical pain. When energy pathways are blocked, positive energy cannot move to certain parts of the body, resulting in mood swings, fear, anger, pain, etc. Reiki can help keep these passages clear.

 Cleanses the body of toxins and supports the immune system

Reiki techniques are used to remind our bodies how to return to a resting state and digest “repair” or “self-heal”. By activating this state, our bodies begin to purge themselves of unnecessary energy. It also allows the body to protect itself from burnout, exhaustion,  or a weakened immune system.

 Helps clear mind and improves concentration

Reiki prompts the recipient to be in the present moment. The transfer of positive energy  allows the mind to focus on current events, not cling to past mistakes and not worry about the future. This will help accept the flow of life  and  promote a positive response to situations, people and circumstances.

Helps you sleep better

You can always expect to feel extremely relaxed after a Reiki session. This type of relaxation helps our bodies  sleep better,  heal better, and  think more clearly. It’s not uncommon for people to completely fall asleep  during a Reiki session.

Helps you sleep better

You can always expect to feel extremely relaxed after a Reiki session. This type of relaxation helps our bodies  sleep better,  heal better, and  think more clearly. It’s not uncommon for people to completely fall asleep  during a Reiki session.

 Aids in spiritual growth and emotional cleansing

Reiki is for the whole person – mind, body and spirit – not just physical. This means that channeling positive energy  through Reiki is extremely helpful in elevating the  mood and overall well-being of the recipient.