The Unforgiveness Purge: How to Keep Your Heart Full of Peace and Joy
When I or we forgive others by THE WORD of God and with confidence and obedience, that is when the spiritual principle of forgiveness occurs. It brings peace and prosperity for OUR Souls and Lives, as well as a blessing from OUR Father in Heaven.
Today, WHO do YOU NEED TO FORGIVE? Yourself? God? Dad or Mom? A Sister or a Brother? A Spouse, Current or Former? An Associate? A companion? A Coworker or a Boss? As a neighbour? A rival? Someone who has done you harm or wrong?
Putting all of your care—all of your anxieties, worries, and concerns—on Him is a wise strategy since He watches over and genuinely cares for you.
Ask the Holy Spirit to bring the people you need to forgive to your heart and mind. By faith, pardon everyone He brings to your thoughts and heart. By telling yourself “I have already forgiven them” or “I don’t have unforgiveness for that person,” do not deny yourself the chance God has given you.
God has access to information about you that neither you nor anybody else has. The act of forgiving someone is a PROCESS, NOT ONE-TIME. God will be able to carry out the promises in HIS WORD if we follow His guidance regarding who needs to be forgiven. Your life will prosper, and your heart will be blessed. It is NOT necessary to agree with the wrong that was done to you or the other person in order to forgive them. Giving yourself back your power and releasing yourself from shackles is what forgiveness IS all about. So reclaim your power!
There are three people that God always brings to the forefront of my spirit, heart, and mind when I perform the Unforgiveness Purge. God is the first, my biological father is second, and I am third. The other individuals who are presented to me change with time, but these three remain consistent. I put this forgiveness process into practise several times a week, and depending on what He presses upon me, even multiple times a day. Although some purges are more thorough than others, they remain an ongoing practise and way of life.
I say, “Lord, I forgive_________ in Jesus’ Name, and I release that person and situation to You, Lord, in Jesus’ Name,” as the Holy Spirit brings individuals, situations, and circumstances to my heart. I am giving God my will during a forgiveness cleansing because I believe that I can never fail to forgive someone. There is never a time when we could all use a little more grace, since there is no such thing as too much forgiveness. The worst that can happen is that I simply extend more forgiveness, which makes my heart even more powerful, loving, and at peace.
It’s difficult to practise forgiveness, train in forgiveness, and maintain a constant attitude of God’s love and forgiveness. The delight of living in a state of forgiveness makes you realise that your serenity and prosperity are worth it, even though it requires daily practise, honesty, love, and courage.
So that you can in turn be a blessing to yourself, others, and most importantly, GOD, allow yourself to be blessed. Because it is up to US to daily BRING FORTH HIS GLORY in our life, you must Live Free and Walk in LOVE in order to do this. You have a choice.
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