Subconscious & Unconscious Healings

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Every circumstance in life is the result of one’s ideas. Our behaviours are determined by our thoughts, which in turn determine our experiences, which in turn regulate our thinking. Depending on the severity and duration of the trauma, thoughts and memories are retained at different levels in the mind.

The conscious mind operates at the surface level and maintains data for a shorter period of time. The conscious mind is where we make decisions and have experiences in the present without being severely affected. Conscious mental blockages are rather simple to remove.

The subconscious patterns store deeply entrenched events and thoughts that have been suppressed or neglected and have had a significant impact on us at some point. Subconscious blockages are difficult to remove since they are frequently overlooked, and one may not be aware of them. By altering our thoughts, actions, and responses, such blockages have an impact on our present and future.

The unconscious mind contains knowledge that the conscious mind is unaware of. Such memories could be the result of a traumatic experience from childhood, the womb, or previous lifetimes.