Reiki & Kundalini Awakening: Harnessing Energy for Spiritual Transformation

Reiki & Kundalini Awakening: Harnessing Energy for Spiritual Transformation

Kundalini is a dormant energy present in most people.In Hindu stories, Kundalini is depicted as a goddess resembling a serpent, sleeping at the base of the spine, coiled around the first chakra. Named Kundalini Shakti, she symbolises the unfolding of life’s powerful energy, energising everything as a living goddess.

Under certain conditions, Kundalini awakens and rises through the body, opening the chakras in a snake-like motion. This process can release stored energies, sometimes causing intense sensations, pain, and altered mental states. Various circumstances can trigger Kundalini awakening, such as meditation, yoga, stress, trauma, drugs, or near-death experiences.

Kundalini is a concentrated primal force akin to potential energy in water. When it ascends, it connects the chakras vertically through channels called nadis, especially the central channel known as sushumna. This energy moves in a serpentine manner like water under high pressure through a small hose.

Kundalini can also be viewed as chakras linking together; as they expand and spin, one chakra’s movement can enhance that of the chakra above or below it. Kundalini is a healing energy, but its effects can sometimes be uncomfortable. If you’re experiencing unpleasant symptoms from Kundalini awakening, here’s what you can do:

Purify your body – Avoid recreational drugs, tobacco, alcohol, caffeine, and prescription drugs. Eat a healthy diet with less sugar and greasy foods, and include protein for grounding. Get regular massages and vigorous exercise.

Reduce stress – Make necessary life adjustments to support your spiritual transformation. Dedicate more time to your spiritual or health practices.

Find support – Seek out others who have experience with Kundalini awakening for guidance and understanding.

Educate yourself – Learn about Kundalini, Kundalini awakening, Yoga, and Chakras through reading and study.

Address psychological issues – Use this time when Kundalini brings up unresolved issues to work through them, which can make the process smoother.

Review your spiritual practices – If you’re not already practising meditation, yoga, or another spiritual discipline, consider starting. Adjust your practices as needed to manage Kundalini symptoms.

Practice grounding – Focus on activities that promote grounding, as Kundalini can be challenging when energy moves upward without balance downward. Address any issues related to the first chakra and incorporate daily grounding exercises.

These steps can help you manage and navigate the effects of Kundalini awakening more effectively.


  • Kundalini Reiki can assist in managing issues related to this energy, gently and safely awakening it. 
  • When Kundalini awakens, it thoroughly cleanses and purifies the layers of the body, chakras, and energy pathways. 
  • Reiki energy can accelerate and smoothen this process. 
  • Cleansing the body layers raises our energy levels and expands consciousness. 
  • Opening Kundalini speeds up personal growth.
  • Kundalini energy enters through the Base chakra, connecting us to Earth’s energy. 
  • It flows through the central energy channel and exits via the Crown chakra. 
  • The human system receives basic energies through the Base and Crown chakras. 
  • The Sushumna, connecting them, branches out to other chakras through their stems. 
  • These stems provide vital energy to the chakras. 
  • The Sushumna also serves as the pathway for Kundalini energy when stimulated.
  • When activated, Kundalini energy transforms into different frequencies for each chakra. 
  • These frequencies range from the lowest at the Base chakra to the highest at the Crown chakra. 
  • These frequencies are transmitted to the subtle and physical bodies, perceived as sensations, emotions, and thoughts.