10 powerful crystals & how to use them:

For happiness: Citrine

  1. Locate a peaceful area and remove your shoes to allow your feet to touch with the ground.
  2. Imagine achieving a certain objective while holding a piece of citrine in your palms or placing one on your navel. Put that objective in your mind’s eye and let it dangle a few feet in front of you in a clear balloon.
  3. Visualize electrifying flames starting to flicker upward and outward from your citrine stone as they gradually transform the balloon’s clean tint into a bright, fiery orange.
  4. Blow the glistening balloon away with a puff to the place where tasks are always completed on time and aspirations are always realised.
  5. Don’t forget to express thanks to your crystal when you’re through; this is a crucial last step since it disconnects your personal energy from the crystal.

For abundance: Malachite

Holding a malachite stone over your heart to utilise it as a tool for summoning the bravery you need to live the life you want. “What does my heart seek, you could ask? What inspires passion in me? How can I match my interests and my financial objectives?” You can receive direction on how to proceed from malachite.

For clarity: Clear Quartz

Using your left hand—the feminine, receptive hand—to hold the quartz: “Shut your eyes. Declare aloud one thing you can do today to go closer to your financial objectives.”


From here, follow the quartz’s cues. What is required to make your ambitions a reality? Utilize the direction of clear quartz to develop a realistic, action-oriented plan.

For love: Rose Quartz

  1. Place your rose quartz over your heart after taking it out.
  2. Count to six while inhaling deeply (the number six is frequently linked to love).
  3. As you breathe in, picture the stone sending forth love to heal your heart by removing grief and darkness.
  4. You might also wear a rose quartz necklace that hits your heart chakra directly for all-day love energy.

For clearing negativity: Black Tourmaline

It couldn’t be simpler to use black tourmaline for removing negativity. Simply lay it outside your front door, or if you have more than one, scatter it about your house’s interior corners. If you think there is negativity there, you can also bring it to your workspace or office. Keep it nearby your workstation for added defence and inspiration.

For emotional support: Moonstone

While taking deep breaths and holding a moonstone over your root chakra for roughly 60 seconds, imagine the chakra centre and the stone burning bright red. Feel negative energy being drawn away from your chakra centre, down your legs, and out through the bottoms of your feet into the ground. Repeat the practise with the stone in your sacral chakra while picturing the colour orange. Continue to see the solar plexus chakra as yellow, the heart chakra as green, and the throat chakra as light blue, the third-eye chakra as indigo, and the crown chakra as violet. To conclude the technique, take three long, cleansing breaths.

For grounding: Black Obsidian

Keep your black obsidian close by and easy to access, such as in your pocket or pocketbook, on any particular day that you know may be emotionally tumultuous or otherwise unfounded. You can also keep one in your car as a reminder that you have the option of calm if you frequently find yourself in traffic or are prone to road rage.

For protection: Shungite

When you’re feeling overwhelmed, bring your awareness to the spot where the stone touches your body, close your eyes, and concentrate on your breathing. Inhale for four counts, hold for four counts, and then let out for four counts. This slow, deep breathing will help you find your core and bring about mental stillness.

For tapping your intuition: Black Jade

A excellent crystal to always keep on hand is black jade, especially if you ever feel like you need to put your intuition front and centre. Bring it along whenever you need an extra boost of intuition and clarity, whether you’re travelling, trying something new, meeting someone new, or any other situation.

For creativity: Carnelian

The stunning orange hue of carnelian may arouse passion, inspiration, creativity, self-assurance, and delight with just a single glance. If you want to give your manifestations a little extra energy, you may also put it by your vision board.

How to take care of your crystals.

It’s wise to keep your crystals clear, energised, and clean whether you’ve just purchased a new crystal or have one that needs a spiritual energy boost. There are numerous approaches, so make sure to read our comprehensive guide to charging and cleaning crystals.

Additionally, it’s critical to store them in a secure location to prevent damage, particularly if they have any sharp edges that are prone to coming loose. When not in use, place them in a soft pouch or piece of fabric. If you place them on your altar or anyplace else in your house, be sure to clean them occasionally.