Are We Interfering With Karma When We Heal? Understanding the Balance
We frequently ask the hypothetical question: What if the client’s issue is a result of their karma? If so, will I inherit their karma? Am I meddling with their karma?
Karmic interference occurs constantly, in every moment, and with every action we perform. By providing food to the hungry, we are practising karma. When we comfort a sobbing kid or hurry someone to the hospital, we are engaging in karmic activity. But if we ignore a crying child, refuse to feed a hungry person, or leave an injured person to perish on the road, we are also acting in karma.
Despite being translated literally as “activity,” “karma” is not exactly what people often mean by that word. Affection is referred to as “Karma.” For instance, you wouldn’t feel anger or retaliation if someone accidentally dropped a cup of boiling coffee on you. Instead, you would be upset and possibly hurt. If, however, it was done out of resentment and spite, you would probably harbour resentment for a long time. So you can see that karma is not the result of the action, but rather what lies behind the action.
Many healers now use karmic interference owing to a lack of information. Before healing, we should simply ask ourselves, “Are we connected to the outcome or are we an instrument of the universe?” Because if the goal of healing is simply to restore equilibrium and free the cosmos to operate as it sees fit, then we are acting in accordance with strong spiritual principles. On the other side, we are interfering if we try to “assist” the other person by influencing their body, mind, or life in an effort to improve it.
On a karmic level, what really matters is not what we do as much as the “why” of it.
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