Abundance Shambhala’s emblem Reiki is transmitted via a lineage of spiritual mentors. It encourages the recipient of the healing to have a sense of affluence and abundance.

Symbol of Abundance in Shambhala Reiki.

If you’ve ever wondered if there was a Reiki symbol for attracting wealth and abundance, here is it. The third level of Shamballa Reiki will cover this Abundance Reiki symbol. The Karuna Reiki symbols Midas and Vasudha are also usable.

Its main quality is to physically, energetically, and spiritually draw in the energy of riches and abundance. 3 2 x To “embed” yourself in its frequency, employ the abundance symbol during self-treatment.

A Shambhala Reiki master must attune you to the abundance symbol before you can use it. Once attuned, you can employ the symbol in your healing sessions.

How to use the Abundance Symbol in Shambhala Reiki

Placing your non-dominant hand over the relevant portion of the body is one way to use the symbol. then picture in your head.

Imagine a flow of energy leaving your palm and entering the body as you concentrate on the sign, bringing with it a sensation of prosperity and abundance.

Another technique to employ the abundance symbol is to trace it over a crystal or other object, picture it there, and then infuse the energy of the symbol into the object. You can use it as a talisman or place it in the room where you want to bring abundance in terms of money, success, or any other area.

What you should keep in mind

It’s critical to keep in mind that healing is a process and that each person will experience it differently. It’s also crucial to keep in mind that healing was never thought of as a replacement for medical care.

Always be aware of your intentions and ask for everyone’s highest good both during the healing session and in daily life.