Healing and the Moon: Harnessing Lunar Energy for Wellness
The elders have always insisted that the moon’s phases have an impact on us. They took it seriously enough to create a special calendar just for it. We are already aware that the moon has an impact on the water since we have witnessed tidal waves as a result.
If you use the correct microscope, scientists have discovered that there are tidal waves even in a teacup during full and new moons. You can see how the moon impacts us by combining this with the fact that we are made up of 80% water.
How does the moon impact us right now? Scientists are already discovering physical evidence.
The mind is also impacted by the moon. There is a link between the full moon and crime, according to studies. Only lately have researchers discovered how the moon’s cycles impact sleep. According to the study, deep brain activity is 30% lower than usual during these times. We receive less energy at these periods since deep sleep is when we truly connect with the universe and recover.
Water signifies emotions in the context of the five elements. We will experience a tidal surge of emotions in addition to the tidal waves the moon creates. There is a clear correlation between insanity and the moon’s phases. There is a correlation between mental illness and hormone imbalances in women.
The tidal surges in the heart and intellect, from a spiritual standpoint, bring out repressed and unresolved emotions. In order to meditate, one must take a step back and observe the mind without getting involved in the drama. We transcend a lot of the information the mind was processing when we decide to do this. When you combine the two, you realise that you can transcend much more during these periods than on typical days in the same amount of time.
From the perspective of a healer, full and new moons are also far more conducive to healing. The vibration is still strong one to two days before and after the actual day as well.
Phases of the moon:
New Moon:
Moon phases include the new moon, which marks the start of the waxing phase and represents new beginnings, growth, and rejuvenation. Both physically and metaphorically, we can plant seeds under the expanding light. This is the ideal moment to start everything you wish to do or attract into your life.
Full Moon:
The sun and the moon are positioned on opposing sides of the earth during full moons. The inner masculine is symbolised by the sun, and the inner feminine by the moon. As a result, it appears as though they are mirroring and reflecting each other from opposite sides. This makes it an ideal time to heal love relationships as well as the conflicts between the two forces within of ourselves. Additionally, the declining phase of the moon starts with the full moon, making this a wonderful time to let go of anything that no longer serves you.
Eclipses are unique occasions when the light and dark interact, causing mental bewilderment and utter mayhem. These times can assist us in transcending parts of ourselves that have been ill for a long time if they are handled appropriately. These are moments for giving in, pardoning, letting go, and comprehending. The solar eclipse raises questions about assertiveness and power on the inside and outside. Issues with relationships and emotions are raised by the lunar eclipse.
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